on Minggu, 02 Agustus 2009

Forex trading strategies are the key to successful forex trading or online currency trading. A knowledge of these forex trading strategies can mean the difference between a profit and a loss and it is therefore imperative that you fully understand the strategies used in forex trading.

Forex trading is very different from trading in stocks and using forex trading strategies will give you more advantages and help you realize even greater profits in the short term. There are a wide range of forex trading strategies available to investors and one of the most useful of these forex trading strategies is a strategy known as leverage.

This forex trading strategy is designed to allow online currency traders to avail of more funds than are deposited and by using this forex trading strategy you can maximize the forex trading benefits. Using this strategy you can actually utilize as much as 100 times the amount in your deposit account against any forex trade which will make backing higher yielding transactions even easier and therefore allowing better results in your forex trading

The leverage forex trading strategy is used on a regular basis and allows investors to take advantage of short term fluctuations in the forex market.

Another commonly used forex trading strategy is known as the stop loss order. This forex trading strategy is used to protect investors and it creates a predetermined point at which the investor will not trade. Using this forex trading strategy allows investors to minimize losses. This strategy can however, backfire and the investor can run the risk of stopping their forex trading which could actually go higher and it really is up to the individual trader to choose whether or not to use this forex trading strategy.

An automatic entry order is another of the forex trading strategies that is commonly used and this strategy is used to allow investors to enter into forex trading when the price is right for them. The price is predetermined and once reached the investor will automatically enter into the trading.

All these forex trading strategies are designed to help investors get the most from their forex trading and help to minimize their losses. As mentioned earlier knowledge of these forex trading strategies is vital if you wish to be successful in forex trading.

We have made the most comprehensive research on Forex trading. Check it out on Online Forex System – Secrets Revealed. All about Forex on http://www.leandernet.com/Forex/Online_forex_trading.php

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Oliver_Turner
Posted by nyza at 10:58 AM
Finding The Best Forex Traders

The forex trading market has become the biggest financial market in the world today and online currency trading is now one of the fastest growing investments. There are many ways to find information on forex trading and online currency trading but finding the best forex traders can be difficult if you don’t know where to look.

With the growing popularity of forex trading and the information publicly available on the internet finding the best forex traders is no longer as difficult as it may have been. The currency analytical reports are now available to the public online and you can even access live data if you know where to look. Finding the best forex traders has become even easier and more and more people are beginning to reap these profits.

What Are the Best Forex Traders

Forex traders are the currencies that are traded by investors and the best forex traders are the currencies that are making the most profit for their investors. Currencies fluctuate constantly and keeping up to date with the state of these currencies used to be extremely difficult for small time investors.

The forex traders that are most popular and the ones that should be monitored closely are the “majors”. These are the EUR/USD combination, the USD/JPY, the USD/CHF, and the GBP/USD. These combinations change constantly and knowing where these forex traders stand will allow you to make the profits you choose from your forex trading.

Forex trading guides and forex training education programs are available for anyone looking to earn money from this extremely lucrative system and most of these programs are designed with beginners in mind explaining all the technical language in simple easy to follow terms.

Forex trading could help you change your future; why not invest in it now?

We offer the best online Forex trading source. Check us out on Online currency trading experts. All about Forex on http://www.leandernet.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Oliver_Turner
Posted by nyza at 10:58 AM
3 Forex Robots You Should Know About

Forex robots have become a popular way to increase profits from Forex trading. Having a reliable program which takes care of much or all of the trading process for you is a big time saver, reduces the effort required on your part, and can increase your profits substantially.

The problem is that it's difficult to separate the best forex robots from the bad ones. For that reason, I've written this article: to introduce you to 3 of the best Forex robots on the market today. I've chosen affordable programs so you don't have to invest a lot to start using and profiting from them.

1. Forex Killer - This is one of the most renowned trading programs on the market today. Forex Killer is a signal generating software. This means that what it does is analyze the market and provide you with entry and exit prices to act on. However, it doesn't place the trades for you automatically. You need to finish the process by placing the trades yourself. Forex Killer enjoys excellent reviews.

2. Forex Funnel - This is a forex robot which is optimized for the USD/JPY currency pair. It does the entire trading process for you from market analysis through placing the trades for you. It has been extensively tested for about 4 years and enjoys excellent reviews. It isn't technically difficult to install and operate so even newbies can use it.

3. Forex Tracer - the Forex tracer is similar to Forex funnel in that it does the entire trading process for you. However, it is optimized for the EUR/USD currency pair. Forex tracer has been tested and found to produce excellent results. It is one of the most popular up and coming Forex trading robots and has been used by Forex newbies and intermediaries alike.

One of these 3 Forex Robots should be a good option for you to try.

To read more about 3 recommended robots, click here: Best Forex Trading Robots.

Eris Soundbridge writes on Forex, finances, and investments. Click here to read his review of several of the top foreign exchange programs: Forex Robot Review.


on Senin, 20 Juli 2009

Setelah kurang lebih empat bulan saya nyebar bibit belut, akhirnya kemaren sore tiba juga waktunya saya memanennya (masih dalam taraf uji coba)… alhamdulillah hasilnya cukup lumayan. Karena waktu itu hanya untuk uji coba jadi saya menebar benih Cuma 2 kilogram, seharga Rp. 20.000 per kilonya. Hasil panennya tidak saya jual, saya makan sendiri aja buat lauk hehehe, males mau jual….hasilnya sih emang lumayan, lumayan dikit maksudnya…. hehehe…

Dulu saya punya ide untuk melakukan uji coba budidaya belut dari kenalan saya, dia mendapatkan info dari temannya. Teman kenalan saya itu memang sudah sukses di bidang budidaya belut. Teman kenalan saya juga sudah berhasil menembus pasar expor. (hebat banget ya….). Ya udah trus saya coba-coba deh bikin peternakan belut. Secara teori sih gampang buanget, modal nya juga cukup kecil. (Tapi prakteknya ….. hem….). Yang dibutuhkan untuk budidaya belut adalah Terpal dengan ukuran empat kali enam meter, bambu, jerami, pupuk kompos dan kandang, Obat EM, lumpur, dan Air (itu semua untuk medianya).

Kemaren saya beli terpal seharga Rp 85.000, jeraminya minta sama tetangga, lumpurnya bikin sendiri, obat EM nya seharga Rp. 15.000, komposnya beli di kelompok tadi seharga Rp. 10.000 satu karung. Jadi jika dijumlah 85.000 + 15.000 + 10.000 = 110.000. Cuma sedikit kan modalnya???

Untuk membuat media tinggal campur aja rumuan di atas, seperti jerami, pupuk kompos, pupuk kandang, EM dan air. Setelah dicampurkan tunggu sampai satu bulan untuk proses fermentasinya, karena kalau belum sampe satu bulan bibitnya udah dimasukkan nanti bisa mati semua..

Lokasinya saya letakkan di dalam rumah saya, karena saya punya kamar yang ukurannya pas dengan ukuran terpalnya (4 x 6 m) dan kebetulan tidak saya pakai. Jadi langsung pasang aja itu terpalnya…

Dulu waktu awal nyebar bibit makannya tak kasih cacing tanah…. tapi lama-kelamaan males juga nyangkulin tanah Cuma buat nyari cacing…. capek banget…. sampe pinggangku pegel. Jadi saya beliin aja bekecot mentah, empat kilo seharga Rp. 5.000. Saya ngasih makannya kadang dua kali sehari, kadang juga satu kali sehari, kadang juga gak tak kasih makan heheh (kejam sekali) itu kalau bener-bener sibuk….

Biar jelas tentang budidaya belut nih saya kasih Analisanya


Biaya Investasi

1. Terpal 4 x 6 m 1 lembar = Rp. 100.000

2. Bambu ori 4 batang x Rp. 10.000 = Rp. 40.000

3. Media, jerami, kompos , debok, pupuk

kandang, EM4, katul = Rp. 40.000

4. Ongkos tenaga kasar = Rp. 20.000

Jumlah = Rp. 200.000

Biaya Operasional

1. Beli benih 10 kg x Rp. 25.000 = Rp. 250.000

2. Pakan (cacing, bekicot, katak, dll) = Rp. 50.000

Jumlah = Rp. 300.000

Total Biaya = Rp. 500.000


1. Panen 10 kg x 10 kg = 100 kg

Resiko 10 % x 100 kg = 90 kg

2. 90 kg x Rp. 10.000 = Rp.900.000


1. Rp. 900.000 - Rp. 500.000 = Rp. 400.000


Harga benih per kg Rp. 25.000

Harga jual panen per kg Rp. 10.000 s/d 15.000

Standar daya tampung benih 1 m2 = 1 kg s/d 2 kg

1 kg benih à belud panen à 8 kg s/d 12 kg

1 lembar terpal ukuran 4 x 6 m jadi kedalaman ukuran 2 x 4 m

Resiko kematian benih ± 10 %

Keuntungan Rp. 400.000 di atas dihitung untuk satu kolam saja dan waktunya panennya kurang lebih 5 bulan. Jadi kalau pengen untungnya banyak ya bikin kolamnya juga harus banyak.

Siapa yang mau coba??? Silahkan saja, tapi kalau saya sepertinya tidak cocok dengan usaha ini, jadi budidaya belut yang saya lakukan ini juga Cuma sampe tahap uji coba saja, tidak saya lanjutkan….

Kalau pengen lebih jelas lagi soal budidaya belut kamu kunjungi aja nih www.tehnikbudidayabelut.blogspot.com di situs ini penjelasan budidaya belut yang cukup lengkap



125 gram tepung terigu

25 gram gula pasir

1 butir telur

225 ml susu cair

125 ml minuman bersoda tawar

30 gram mentega, dilelehkan

100 gram selai stroberi untuk olesan


150 gram stroberi, masing-masing dibagi 2

50 gram gula pasir

50 ml air

3/4 sendok teh jeli bubuk

1 sendok teh air jeruk lemon


50 gram kacang madu, dicincang kasar untuk taburan

150 gram krim kental, dikocok kaku

100 gram dark coating chocolate, dilelehkan untuk hiasan


1. Adonan kulit buat 2 kali resep, aduk tepung terigu dan gula pasir. Tuang campuran susu, telur, dan minuman bersoda, aduk rata.
2. Tuang mentega leleh sambil diaduk rata.
3. Buat dadar tipis-tipis diameter 18 cm, sisihkan.
4. Rebus bahan topping sambil diaduk hingga kental, angkat.
5. Tumpuk crepe. Tiap 5 lembar, oles dengan selai stroberi. Lakukan sampai crepe habis dan tumpukan menjadi tinggi.
6. Semprotkan krim kental mengelilingi crepe. Siram dengan bahan topping lalu taburkan kacang madu cincang sebelum disajikan.

Untuk 20 buah



Bahan Crepe:
250 gr tepung terigu
2 btr telur
3 sdm gula pasir
1/2 sdt garam
vanili bubuk secukupnya
700 ml susu cair
4 sdm margarin, lelehkan
keju cheddar parut, secukupnya

Bahan Vla Cokelat:
300 ml susu cair
30 gr tepung maizena
75 gr gula pasir
10 gr cokelat bubuk
2 btr kuning telur, kocok
vanili bubuk secukupnya

1. Crepe; ayak tepung terigu.
2. Tambahkan gula pasir, garam dan vanili bubuk. Aduk dengan whizk sampai tercampur.
3. Kocok telur sampai rata. Tuang ke dalam terigu. Kocok sampai tercampur.
4. Tambahkan susu. Kocok perlahan sampai rata.
5. Saring adonan.
6. Panaskan margarin sampai leleh.
7. Tuang ke dalam adonan tepung. Kocok dengan cepat sampai rata. Diamkan adonan 1 jam.
8. Vla cokelat; aduk susu, tepung maizena, gula pasir, cokelat bubuk dan garam sampai rata.
9. Masak sambil diaduk sampai mendidih.
10. Tuang sedikit adonan dalam kocokan telur, aduk-aduk dengan cepat. Masukkan lagi dalam rebusan. Didihkan.
11. Dinginkan. Tambah vanili bubuk.
12. Panaskan wajan teflon diameter 22 cm. Tuang 1 sendok sayur adonan. Goyang-goyangkan wajan sampai adonan memenuhi wajan. Masak sampai bagian bawahnya kecoklatan. Angkat.
13. Olesi dengan vla cokelat. Taburi keju parut. Gulung. Sajikan.

250 gr tepung terigu cap segitiga biru
2 kuning telur +satu putih telur. kocok kasar
250 susu cair.
25 gr mentega cair ( panaskan diapi kecil jangan sampai mendidih ,dinginkan)
minyak /mentega untuk olesan sedikit.
cara buat:

campu telur dan tepung,pake sendok kayu.aduk2 sambil sedikit sedikit beri susu cair.aduk sampai tercampur.masukkan mentega ,kalau kurang cair tambah air sedikit.aduk rata.hingga halus.saring dan diamkan 25 menit.
panaskan wajan teflon anti lengket olesi minyak/mentega.ambil adonan satu sendok sayur kecil,ratakan di wajan.biarkan matang angkat.teruskan sampai habis.

untuk isi bisa kasih banana potong kecil panjang beri coklat meyses,atau susu kental coklat.lipat .
2.beri es krim rasa apa saja ,kasih buah potong kiwi atau banana atau apel atau campur .
3.beri salada ,ham ,bawang bombay rajang.sambal botol atau saos tomat.lipat
4. creppes bisa isi dengan apa saja sesuka kita .bisa diganti sosis ,tambahkan keju kalau mau lezat.
selamat mencoba


on Kamis, 18 Juni 2009

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